feliabart is a cartoonist from Ohio, USA who enjoys creating cartoons and other art. They have an active presence on Tumblr and are active on Twitter. They often use their art to express their experiences and to explore topics such as mental health, autism, and LGBTQ+ identity. They also post artwork related to popular media such as Serial Experiments Lain, Yippee!, and Little German Boy.
オハイオ州の皆さんは、自分がそんなに素晴らしいと思いますか? 「クロスロード・オブ・アメリカ」、お尻。あなたは、高速道路を降りてビッグマックを注文する場所に相当するクソ州です。あなたが持っている唯一のクソみたいなプライドは、シダーポイント、NASA、クソサッカーチーム、そしてトレド・ストリップで優勝することだけだ、あたかもそれがあなたのエゴを抑えるのに役立つかのように。敗北した先住民を拷問し奴隷にした暴君にちなんで、あなたの都市の名前を付けることを想像してみてください。
You guys in Ohio think you're so great? "Crossroads of America" my ass. You're the fucking state equivalent of where you get off the highway to take a shit and order a Big Mac. The only fuckin pride you hold is Cedar Point, NASA, your fucking football team, and winning the Toledo strip like it'll help you contain the size of your egos. Imagine naming one of your cities after a tyrant who tortured and enslaved the natives you fucking losers.
Story of hiding in Forest Fair Village Mall (Cincinnati, Ohio).It's essentially abandoned because despite being huge only an arcade was left. It actually closed recently. Got there just before 6pm and spontaneous thought of staying afterhours popped to mind. Finally found suitable location which was an abandoned restaurant with a meat locker I could stay in. Also I did a quick sweep and noticed perfect escape route through restaurant backdoor. In addition to main mall doors both 2nd and 1st floor. At 6pm got in. They close at 6:30pm. Ended up having to stay in there till around 9:30pm so almost 3.5 hours lol! Was so sweaty.
So I waited like 30 minutes after I heard last sound. Started exploring, but 5 minutes in I see a security guard on a bike headed towards me. Sprint back into restaurant to use their backdoor. Didn't notice it was padlocked haha. So I come back out and he's there in the hallway yelling at me. So run to 2nd floor main doors, but they were chain linked from outside haha. So my only option now was run down escalator to 1st floor main door. As I run past guard who's sitting on his bike calling the police and giving them my description. He tried follow me, but it was such a comical scene to see him trying to push bike down escalator.
Luckily the 1st floor door opened and ran across huge dark parking lot. Got to a main route with many lanes. Hesitated a bit before deciding to just run into traffic. Was like a movie scene with cars screeching to a halt, swearing a bit and honks to the max. Since I ran straight I wanted to get out of view. Saw a hotel to the left and jumped into their bushes. Ended up being in that space between bush and hotel wall.
Couple minutes later I hear a voice asking if I was there and pointing a flashlight in my direction. Being so full of adrenaline I thought it was security guard. Of course no way he could leave mall. My plan was to catch my breath and make a run into grocery store nearby. Figured most likely scenario is police would get me lying there. But to my surprise nobody came. I stood up and nobody was waiting on me. Although I did surprise a couple families lol.
Ran across field of view from mall to grocery store next door. Went to back to catch breath. Then headed to front so I could grab a cold water from those mini fridges, but as I round the corner there's a cop with his back turned on his phone/walkie talkie. Sprint to back to escape through employee only area. But as I do there's a women there on the phone giving me a look like she knew. They all started yelling at me. Now my only 2 options were side doors. Pick closest one.
Shitty thing is was an emergency exit. Kinda hesitated, but was gonna escape somehow. The store immediately turned into a rave with all the lights flashing and blaring alarm. Another shitty thing is I'd run into the garden section enclosed by 20-25 foot fence. Luckily have a ton of experience climbing stuff like that. Saw thick woods in back so start running towards it, but as I get to edge I pause. I'd dropped my phone! Could guarantee it was on outside of fence. Again adrenaline clouds logic because I had plenty of time and doubtful cop would at a climb. But at that moment said screw it my loss.
Ran into woods getting all cut up. Super dark. About a minute in I see a regular fence. Without thinking I hope it like I'd done countless times. Except this time my feet don't hit ground like expected. Find myself falling through the air and crashing through branches until I landed hard on my feet before coming to rest on all fours. For bit thought maybe died especially since nothing hurt. Pinched myself several times and thankfully felt normal sensations. Gathered myself and looked up. What I saw had me in complete shock. Was this tall, huge retaining wall looming in moonlight with that fence up top. I'd fallen around 30 feet into the forest below!
Figured out next strategy is how to find a way out. Knew following the retaining wall would be best bet. After a minute came across a giant storm drain that was comfortable enough to walk through. Every once in while there's be a ladder up to a manhole. After a couple minutes saw some forest in the distance. As I came out noticed there was lights behind me. Was up a little embankment.
What I saw next had me laughing in disbelief. I'd walked under the store, under the parking lot and under the road. In the distance stationed out front and looking into the woods was 4 cop cars and a K9 (never taken off leash)! Little did they know and for sure never would suspect that scenario. Several minutes later they called it quits and left. At this point finally relaxed, but also realized how thirsty and tired I was since hadn't drank for hours. This while ordeal started at 6pm and was no around 11pm. For some reason I really wanted to go back and check if my phone was there.
As I walked in the forest following the road leading to side of grocery store I noticed some soda cans. Ended up being a cold 6-pack of Mountain Dew lol. After walking far enough to get outta view of grocery store and where the terrain was being wilder ran across the road and into forest to the side of story. Still bit away as I made my way to be able to view fence. Waited a bit after midnight to continue making my way around through the forest. Around half past midnight finally got close enough and hidden enough to run to section of fence I'd hopped. Somehow my phone was still there! Dunno how police missed it although it was all black and hard to see.
Then started long trek back through the forest backtracking till hit back to storm drain. Used Google Satellite view to trace path. But my stomach hurt and had to take a shit. Did it right there and used my sock to wipe hahaha lol. But shitty thing is I'd need to run across a highway and towards a super well lit huge office building. The type that has security patrol. After a bit of looking around and no cars in site made a run for it. Like a 30 second full sprint into some bushes next to a Burger King. Walked across there dark parking lot hidden and into short section of brush. Parked my car right there at a hotel across the street from mall. Drove off and got outta jurisdiction ASAP. This was around 2am. An absolutely insane 8 hours of epic adventure.
Security got fired for threatening woman at mall with knife. He was previously convicted of killing kittens and freezing their bodies for storage.
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